SafeDive App

by SafeDiveApp


9.99 usd

SafeDiveApp is a safety app for Scuba Divers embarking on undersea adventures. When youventure out it is always wise to let someone know where you have gone. Sometimes plans change,and accidents happen. The SafeDiveApp is designed to make it easy to keep your emergencycontacts informed of what you are doing.Let’s face it, we divers are an impulsive mob and even though we have told someone where weare going sometimes plans change. With the SafeDiveApp you can keep you your emergencycontact in touch with what is happening.After purchase it is a simple process to register yourself and your details on the app. Theinformation requested is there to help save time if a search is mounted for you. The time savedcould be critical in your safe recovery. You then nominate your emergency contact and you are setto start your adventures.All you need to do then is record the details of your diving activity through the app, if you do notcheck-in by the return time you nominated, your emergency contact will be alerted via SMS andemail. They are then asked to contact you and make sure you are safe. If they cannot contact youthen they have all the information they need to pass to emergency services to assist in a searchplan for you.After purchase there are no more additional costs. It is a one time purchase charge. Nosubscriptions so you get to spend more on new dive gear.The SafeDiveApp is the safety stop that every recreational diver should have on their adventures.Helping You Have a Great Dive and Get Home Safe